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Posts from the ‘Thoughts’ Category

Pure joy

A short hike today at Table Mountain in Golden. After all the rain, the trails were surprisingly dry, and people were scarce. As a result, Bea got a little bit of off-leash time.
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Green things in warm weather


This time of year, nothing beats a big salad for dinner.

Saturday was so unexpectedly warm that I ended up with a headache. Also, the persistent conviction that I need to buy a sundress. It’s been years since I had a really good sundress. How is it that something so simple can be so difficult to find?

What is not difficult to find right now are fresh, beautiful vegetables. After an uninspiring winter, suddenly I’m compelled to buy green things. In just this past week, I’ve had asparagus, artichoke, zucchini (trying to cover the whole alphabet), and a series of monstrous and wonderful salads. I may have gone overboard last week, making an enormous salad for dinner every night.
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Noticing new details

There is a house that I sometimes walk past with Bea, on those days when a long walk is in order. It’s a funny little house, with a whole menagerie of cement animals decorating the patch of a yard. A stone wolf guards the porch steps, and several brightly-colored parrots hang from the eaves. Two enormous stone toads glare at the passers-by. But the pièce de résistance are the two ponies, ancient and weathered, anchored to a sapling and gazing placidly at the passing traffic. It’s a wonderful yard, ridiculous and tacky and simply fabulous.
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A hot shower after a long run on a cold day

Here’s how I know I’m not a particularly “green” person, or all that conscientious about environmental concerns, or a good citizen who uses “only what you need“: after a long run on a cold day, I take a long shower. There’s something so perfect about the hot water warming up the numb bits, and the slight massage of the super-strength water pressure. I stand there and tell myself to turn off the water, but I don’t. I just stand there. I am a selfish person.

This despite the fact that I know Denver has water issues.

But I haven’t washed my car in like six months. Does that compensate at all? Maybe a little?

Things that make me happy

The light coming in the window

Right now the afternoon sunlight is pouring through my windows in a smooth, yellow light. I love the brightness of it, and the way the sun throws shadows of the plants in the windowsill onto the sheer curtains. The window is open and a breeze floats through, carrying with it birdsong and the chatter of people walking down the street.
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