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Posts by carrie

Almond Joy Creamer

Confession time: I love flavored creamer in my coffee. You know, that sickly sweet stuff that is completely and utterly bad for you? I am pretty sure it is a black hole of nutritional value, not only adding saturated fat and sugar to your diet, but also acting as a vehicle for increased caffeine consumption. (Although recent news does suggest that all that caffeine may not be entirely bad….) Read more

Lazy Weekends

Sometimes there is nothing better than doing nothing. Stay in bed late. Go for a quiet stroll in a park. Read a book. Take a nap. Catch up on the various TV episodes that have piled up on the DVR. Lazy weekends are wonderful any time of the year, but I think I love them best in Summer. Read more

The alpine slide

I was up in Steamboat Springs this weekend for the 30th annual Steamboat Marathon. Well, I was there for the half marathon. I have not yet fallen prey to the marathon itch. After a winter of heavy snowfall, Steamboat is green, gorgeous, and flooded. Read more

Castlewood Canyon

Many years ago, back in the late 1800s, some visionary engineers build a dam on the Cherry Creek as it meandered through Castlewood Canyon. Unfortunately, they didn’t build the dam very well. It was structurally flawed, and in August of 1933 the dam burst, sending a 15-foot wave towards Denver.* These days, visitors to Castlewood Canyon State Park can view the dam ruins and enjoy the beauty of this unexpectedly lush canyon through a variety of trails.
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Solar power, 24 hours a day

Bloomberg reports that Torresol Energy SA is operating a solar plant that uses molten salt to store excess solar heat received during the day, and thereby provide continuous power generation throughout the night. The Germasolar plant is located in southern Spain, and “can produce electrical power 24 hours a day for many months of the year.”
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